Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Exploring the Asian Food Culture

I enjoyed this video very much. It is very meaningful and can learn more about traditional Asian food. It showed the really traditional Asian market and the source of Asian food. "Snake soup" is very famous and popular in Asain food, on the video, it show how to select a snake and make it into a delicious dish. Traditional Asian market is very crowded and dirty, not like supermarket (e.g. Publix) in the United States. This video can evoke more western people to learn more about Asian food.

Exploring the Asian Food Culture
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  1. some of the food has disgusting look.
    However, some dishes seem like delicious.
    so sad, no such markets exsit in small GNV.

  2. I agree on that asian markets here are not as clean as they are in Taiwan. Recently I've heard that a new Asian market are going to open in GNV, hope it will have more ingredients and more clean!

  3. asain food is full of variety in tsate and color, but sometimes too greasy.
